Top 5 Tips Every Noobie Wallstreetbets Trader MUST Know

Top 5 Tips Every Noobie Trader MUST Know

Without further ado… TOP 5 TIPS Every Noobie Wallstreetbets Trader MUST Know. 1) You MUST understand Implied Volatility. I made this the first point because it is the gigantic mistake I see noobies here (r/wallstreetbet) making again and again. I’m talking to you, people who bought calls on PLTR at $30. If you learn anything from this […]

Is Wallstreetbets The Best Stock Market Investing Subreddit?

Is Wallstreetbets The Best Stock Market Subreddit

Is Wallstreetbets the best stock market investing subreddit? It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Reddit has become extremely famous among people who have an interest in stock and options trading. There are many platforms where various people from all disciplines of life can exchange ideas and provide a support system to their fellow beings. […]

Dissecting the Unique Lingo and Terminology used in the Subreddit r/Wallstreetbets.

wallstreet blog

Dissecting the Unique Lingo and Terminology used in the Sub Reddit r/Wallstreetbets.   It is no secret that Wallstreetbets is highly popular and one of the top trending stock trading and options trading communities. Since r/wallstreetbets first launched in 2012, it has risen to nearly 1.5 million r/wsb participants as of August 2020. Overall, some make it big, while others […]